How to use our vocabulary sheets?
Note: These sheets work best when printed out.
Step 1 – Translation
Write the translations of the words and phrases in the language of your choice on the right side.
Step 2 – Testing your knowledge
Fold the paper in the middle so that you can only see the German part. Time to test your knowledge. Read the German side first and try to say what it means. Turn the paper around to see if you know the correct translation.
Step 3 – Level up
Read the translation first and then try to say it in German. Turn the paper around and check your answers.
Step 4 – Spaced repetition
Note down the things you still don’t know how to say in German and test them again after one day, after two days, three days, after a week, after two weeks and then again after a month.
Spaced repetition is a scientifically proven way to speed up the process of moving things into your long-term memory. Develop a plan, stick to it – and watch the amazing results!
How to test yourself
Test results in the moment of writing the translation
(i.e. Monday 1.4.) -
Test results the next day
(i.e. Tuesday 2.4.) -
Test results after 2 more days
(i.e. Wednesday 4.4.) -
Test results after one week
(i.e. Monday 11.4.) -
Test results after two more weeks
(i.e. Thursday 25.4.) -
Test results after one month
(i.e. Saturday 25.5.)
How to fill out boxes on the sheets
For this purpose, you can use boxes on the right side of the sheet (“Test yourself” column). If you want you can also use other signs or even colors, but here’s what we usually suggest students to do:
X – All correct!
/ – Partially correct
■ – Completely wrong
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